1. listopadu 2017 / Michal Vallo

When I started organizing conference, I wanted to help spreading idea of agile techniques, agile organizations and way of doing things with human touch. Organizing our first conference was seemed to be unbelievable by todays view. I arranged program, secured venue in a state institution, found partners, sold tickets, prepared my own presentation, executed program on day of event, organized catering and drove speakers to/from the airport 250km away. All this in one person. And then I nearly failed down exhausted. Little did I know my effort will grow to family of prestigious events – Agilia conferences. Organized by a small team of wonderful people who unites greatest thought thinkers and experts from all parts of the world.
Try Agilia Conferences.
Today we open new season 2018. And I invite you to co-operation – as a speaker, as a program creator or representative of partnering organization. Let me introduce our family:
April 9-13, 2018, Olomouc/ Czech Republic
Europe’s premiere agile conference, and the only one worldwide that verifies presentations. Authenticity really matter, no more fakes. In 2018 its main topic – Improvement business performance with Agile – will be again translated into variety of areas ranging from software development to testing, embedded software, product design, culture, procurement, marketing or agile contracting and also investments, investor relations and innovation. Here meets agile innovators and trend setters to argue about their ideas and gain new inspiration.
April 10-11, 2018, Olomouc/ Czech Republic
At congress we discuss practical experience with agile transformation & operation of agile enterprise from perspective of management and leadership. Organized by agile managers to managers, board members and owners. Full of micro workshops and inspiration by leading entrepreneurs.
May 29th, 2018, Prague/ Czech Republic
Agile in Banking, Finance and Fintech industry is different. Industry is being disrupted by new niche players and technology innovations. Agile supports these disruptions and promise greater flexibility to the giants at the same time. However, financial sector understands agile differently. Learn with us why.
September 10th, 2018, Prague/ Czech Republic
New event by Scrum Masters for Scrum Masters, full of games and micro-workshops in a small groups and great fun.
October 15th, 2018, Budapest/ Hungary
Excited about product design? Do you manage product department? Or you just orchestrate product portfolio? Discover with us secrets of Product Management and Product Ownership.
Consider Agilia events for your inspiration and intensive learning in 2018. And help us spread the knowledge.
About author: Michal Vallo helps managers to understand agile techniques, benefit from its adoption to their organizations and consequently radically improve organizational overall performance. He is principal, agile trainer, coach and manager at Aguarra, founding member of Agilia community and organizer of Agilia Conference / Agile Management Congress in Olomouc and Agilia Budapest conference.